Thursday, November 20, 2008

Kate Banazi - ex studio 28, now in Sydney

1. Describe your work

Screenprinting, drawing, painting and sometimes sewing.

2. How did you come to be doing the work that you do?

My parents were old style graphic designers and typographers so taught me to wield a scalpel and draw a straight line from a very young age. My apparent skill should have been channelled towards brain surgery, quite obviously, but that was soon scuppered when I fainted whilst dissecting a rat at school. There after I swore only to slice paper. And the odd bit of self surgery.

3. Where do you look for inspiration?

Under bridges and up mountains. Specifically Anzac bridge and the Blue Mountains.

4. What is your favourite place?

Tasmania or the top of Parliament Hill, London.
Quite extreme in their differences.

5. If you could own one piece of art what would it be?

A picture that was accidentally thrown away, drawn for me by my son when he was 7.

6. What is your favourite website?

Google images, especially street view.
Its weird and a little bit wrong.

Kate Banazi

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