Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Alice Tait - Studio 11

Describe your work

My desk is piled with drawings from life, hand drawn type, inky marks and a scanner.

How did you come to do the work that you do?

There was never a question of doing anything else. When I was little I used to read Famous Five and plan how I’d do the illustrations if it were me.

Where do you look for inspiration?

The sky from Great Western studios windows.

What is your favourite place?

Where ever Sean and Roger are.

If you could own one piece of work what would it be?

An Emily Young please! Or a grumpy man from either Georges Grosz or Ben Shahn.

What is your favourite website?

www.audible.co.uk This year I have discovered talking books! I am on the brink of an obsession with Poirot.

Alice Tait

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